How Can You0 Keep Customers Coming Back To Your Site

It’s amazing to see that still to this day, many people think that Search Engine Optimization is something that’s a one shot venture. That is, all you have to do is work some good in-page SEO mojo, pack them with keywords, submit them to the search engines, and maybe update the meta tags every so often. That was okay about 12 years ago, when Google first started indexing, but it’s hardly the case these days.

SEO Value- If you distribute your press release to the right sites, the seo value you get will be well worth the price you pay for distribution. Why? These are seen as newsworthy events and get picked up by news sites that are seen as Authority sites, which search engines love. Also, when writing your release include tags, anchor text, your url, and keywords throughout. This helps you rank on search engines and gets you found by people searching. The back-links going back to your website from authority news sites is incredibly valuable.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette refers to a press/media appearance that Dunham made prior to the show’s launch, where he was slated to perform (read: charm) for a bunch of television critics. How’d that go?

Now the big issue is not the first click, it is the possibility to constantly go back to Google search and find new articles to read for free. This could be an issue, though I highly doubt that there are enough people exploiting this to read news for free on a subscription site. There are so many other options for news stories that the hypothetical reader would have to be obsessed with a certain Instagram but unwilling to pay the small subscription fee.

Already Discussed in point 1, but I would like to add that for PPC marketers, make sure you use the same strategy for you ads, include the keywords professionally, and without repeating them too much in your ads and meta descriptions.

Within days you’ll notice your traffic going up, especially if you use my content-promotion strategies covered previously. This is an immediate and HUGE time saving strategy.

You get 10 fully automated websites ready to go. Now you simply need to get some sales, and this is where Scott’s genius comes in. With MyHomeWealthSystem, you will learn how to set up your advertising campaign and start pounding out sales within 30 minutes of activating your websites.

Use your reader to keep track of the news and your favorite websites everyday. Now you no longer have to go to your favorite websites to check your news: they’re delivered right to your reader within minutes of the site’s update. I usually spend an hour or so in the morning reading my news, web comics, and blogs while chatting with my friends, and an hour scattered throughout the day as my news feeds update.